Free Clinic of Rome

Free Clinic of Rome

The Free Clinic of Rome is a faith based, community supported non-profit organization whose mission is to serve the Northwest Georgia counties of Floyd, Polk and Chattooga by providing quality healthcare services to uninsured residents who have no access to basic healthcare.

At a glance

Organizational Culture and Vision

The Free Clinic of Rome’s goals over the next year is to expand their patient base and provide an increasing amount of healthcare services. 

The Clinic is supported solely by the Greater Rome community, its’ churches and private donors. They do not receive any federal or state tax dollars. 

In 2017 Free Clinic of Rome provided over a million dollars’ worth of healthcare to unduplicated patients (patients that do not receive care elsewhere).


Primary Healthcare: Basic primary healthcare for chronic illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, thyroid issues and asthma. This program serves uninsured adults of Floyd, Polk, and Chattooga counties.

Dental Clinic: Providing simple extractions to pre-approved patients. The dental services are offered once a month while Georgia Highlands classes are in session.